Classical music can be defficult to get into. It varies in style and scope from thirteenth century Gregorian Chant to twenty first century Minimalism, from quaint little divertimentos to massive works, sometimes over an hour long.
Here are some articles to help beginners crack the surface and get to know what to listen for in classical music.
Our Beginner's Guide tries to answer the question, "What is Classical Music?"
The Music Periods gives a brief summary of the eras of classical music, from its origins in the Dark Ages, right up to today.
The Music Styles describes the major forms that Classical Music can take.
Collecting Classical Compact Discs gives an overview of what to look for (and listen to) when building a music collection.
The Boxed Sets section talks about why I consider collecting CDs in bulk a worthwhile exercise.
The section on Glenn Gould is a very personal view of one the great pianists of the last century, both brilliant and infuriating.
In Classical Music For Children, I describe why I think it is vital we expose children to good music, and how to do it without forcing it down their throats.
The articles about classical music will continually be updated - look forward to more articles in the near future.